Publications and Presentations


Sims, R., Tran, P., Banat, H., Panahi, P., & Dilger, B. (2025). Capturing nonlinear intercultural development via student reflective writing. Accepted & Forthcoming, Written Communication.

Panahi, P., Sims, R., Banat, H., Tran, P., & Dilger, B. (2022). Transnational curriculum design for intercultural learning in writing programs. In C. Donahue & B. Horner (Eds.), Teaching and Studying Transnational Composition. MLA Volume.

Sims, R., Banat, H., Tran, P., Panahi, P., & Dilger, B. (2022). Illuminative evaluation of an intercultural-competence-focused first-year writing curriculum. Writing and Pedagogy, 14(1), 103–127.

Banat, H., Sims, R., Tran, P., Panahi, P., & Dilger, B. (2022). Developing intercultural competence through a linked course model curriculum: Mainstream and L2-specific first-year writing. TESOL Journal, 13(1), e613.


“Activating funds of knowledge via intercultural interaction in undergraduate writing classes.” British Educational Research Association Conference, Manchester, UK. September 2024.

Here, we presented emergent findings from the new(er) phase of our project looking at activating funds of knowledge through intercultural interaction, drawing on data collected in FYW at the University of Massachusetts — Boston.

Podcast, “Meet Some Academics: Rebekah Sims & Hadi Banat.” University of Strathclyde School of Education Podcast, Glasgow, Scotland, April 2023.

“Developing Intercultural Competence in First-Year Writing.” Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference, Baltimore, MD. July 2019

At this conference, we share preliminary findings from a CWPA-funded, data-driven study of an approach to first-year writing that uses linked courses to increase intercultural competence in both mainstream and second-language students. Our project develops evidence-based, inexpensive interventions to internationalize writing programs, focusing on intercultural competence development and transfer of writing skills.

“Assessing the Effectiveness of an Intercultural Competence-Focused Writing Curriculum,” International Society of Language Studies, Waterloo, ON, Canada. June 2018

This presentation focused on the assessment philosophy and instruments embedded in our study, and included case studies of two study participants.

“Cultivating Intercultural Competence through Paired Freshman Composition Sections: Theory, Pedagogy and Assessment,” Symposium on Second Language Writing, Vancover, BC, Canada. August 2018.

At SSLW, our team presented the writing curriculum and discussed how it meets the academic and social needs of both international and domestic students. This presentation included case studies of two participants.

“Developing Intercultural Competence through First-Year Composition,” Purdue Linguistics, Literature, and Second Language Studies Conference, West Lafayette, IN. March 2018

The presentation introduced our curriculum design and linked-course approach to first-year writing.

“Developing and Assessing Intercultural Competence in Linked Sections of First Year Writing,” Scaling Up: Institute on Intercultural Learning and Mentoring, West Lafayette, IN. February 2018.

Research team presentation. Three team members standing and listening; Phuong speaking. PPT slide has the project goals displayed.
Phuong, Parva, Hadi, and Rebekah present the project goals at the Scaling Up institute at Purdue University, February 2018.

At the Scaling Up Institute, we discussed how our project initially developed and our proposed model for assessing intercultural competence via reflective writing.

You can also see our work on the Intercultural Learning Hub (HubICL). Purdue Login required to view team video presentation.